02306-9846922 oder 0176-46545278 kanzlei@jayd-rizzo.de
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Welcome to the law firm of Nisrine Jayd-Rizzo!

I am more than happy to advise and represent you in and out of court in Lünen, Dortmund and the rest of Germany as a specialist lawyer for migration law. My practice focuses on permanent residence law, asylum, citizenship and children’s daycare. I also assist you in criminal law, whether you are an accused or you join the criminal proceedings as a plaintiff. I am also at your disposal for family law matters.

I represent you before immigration departments of municipalities, German missions abroad, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, administrative courts, the public prosecutor’s office and criminal courts.

You can communicate with me in German, Arabic, French, English and Italian.

Nisrine Jayd-Rizzo
Nisrine Jayd-Rizzo

Fields of law:
Permanent residence:
EU Blue Card, visa, entry, work permit, expulsion, family reunification, deportation, work permit for Turkish workers under Decision 1/80.

Asylum law:
Protection for refugees, asylum, subsidiary protection, ban on deportation, Dublin procedure, redistribution, entry ban, reopening of administrative proceedings.

Naturalisation, stateless people, loss of nationality, displaced persons, multiple nationalities, re-naturalisation.

Day care and kindergarten law:
Places at day care centres and kindergartens, parental contributions.

Employment Law
Unfair Dismissal (Ordinary or extraordinary), Termination by Mutual Agreement, notice periods, equality, sick-leave, maternity leave, paid leave, salary, Employment reference grades of assessment, sexual Harassment.

Criminal Law:
homicide, robbery, fraud, theft, bodily harm, embezzlement, damage to property, falsification of documents, driving without a licence, drink driving (DUI), hit and run, driving ban, fines, Defence in the case of extradition

I am also happy to advise you by e-mail, Skype, WahtsApp or Zoom. You can make an appointment or use the contact formular to inform me about your concerns. After receiving your request, I will contact you.

Nisrine Jayd-Rizzo

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